Doing things we've never done before, like painting Kanye West!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

League of BOB Challenge #1: The Halloween Spirit

In continuance with the theme I started (and took a long hiatus from, due to blog laziness), I will approach the Halloween spirit by presenting a case study of someone who lacks the spirit of Halloween, at least in the traditional sense.  This person is none other then our beloved friend, Danielle Berry.  

One well known fact about Danielle is that she refuses to dress up.  This trait proves frustrating for me, chiefly because I am her roommate and I love to throw themed parties, such as Death Eaters at the Beach, or 1984 Debutante Rave.  Danielle attends my parties gladly, but always refuses to don a costume.  I speculate that the only theme she would participate in would be "America," but this would hardly be considered dressing up, for Danielle sports American-flag inspired garb at least once every three days.  

Danielle's constant refusal to dress up naturally proves problematic on Halloween, her self-declared "favorite holiday."  The curious case of Danielle extends beyond the fact that her favorite holiday is centered around an activity she refuses to do: she also claims to dislike candy and scary things (though she watched a film called Zombie Strippers recently, in which a zombie stripper bites off a man's penis.  If this is not considered a "scary thing," I don't know what is).  

Last Halloween, Danielle dressed up as a "college student"; that is, she wore the same pants she always wears, coupled with the same shoes she always wears, and the same type of shirt she always wears (probably American-inspired).  The origin of Danielle's resistance to costumes is unknown.  Though not for Halloween purposes, Danielle once dressed as a hot pocket, so we are aware that she once had no qualms with dressing up as a flaky, microwave pastry.  Whether her refusal to dress up is associated with a traumatic event, or simply due to stubbornness, Danielle remains firm in her conviction, and continues to ignore the importance of dressing up at my parties.  

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Danielle has a grand opportunity this Friday to impress me and all of our friends by dressing up for our Political Tyrant Soiree.  Time will tell whether she seizes this amazing opportunity or not.  


  1. But PLEASE try to get her back in the Hot Pocket costume. I never got a photo.

  2. I have a picture. She is fucking adorable
