Doing things we've never done before, like painting Kanye West!

Friday, November 12, 2010

BOB Challenge Number 4

I realize that lately I have taken a leave of absence from this blog thing.  This could be due to the excessive amounts of history reading I have been physically stuck under lately.  Yes, I mean it--piles of papers on top of my head, and I keep reaching, reaching through them, hoping to see some shred of light through the historiographical essays on the dimension of various buildings.  And so far I haven't reached the light.  Until now.  Yes, fellow bloggers, I have escaped!  Or maybe I'm just more willing to stay up late than I have been in the past.  Or maybe its due to the fact that my boyfriend is in India and not distracting me (let your mind wander).  In any case, I'm here now and ready to blog.

I always find non-presidential elections incredibly unsatisfying.  They ask me to vote for things I don't necessarily care about/knew existed, such as the watershed committee.  It especially lowers my enthusiasm when there is only one individual running, so my only choice is either to be a jack-ass and pointedly not vote for the person, or vote for the person simply because they have no competition and let them win the cheap way.  But I always have to wonder--to what lengths did they go to make sure their name was the only one on the ballot for their chosen position?  How did they eliminate the competition--through MURDER?  I suppose the only way to know for sure is to look deep into the eyes of the person who's running--into the eyes of their picture in the voter's pamphlet, of course.  

The photos in the voter's pamphlet are actually my secret key to voting.  Sure, it doesn't work for the measures, but it most definitely works for the people.  Do you really want your senator to be a man with a handlebar mustache?  What about the lady with the double-chin, is she really qualified to represent your state in any way, shape or form?  If they can't take care of themselves, how can they run a country?

Also, certain physical features simply reveal a lot about a person, particularly how well they will handle a governmental position.  Take the Oregon governor race, for example.  It came down to the wire, with Kitzhaber squeezing the win out by a few thousand votes.  I never lost faith in the man, however, and you know why?  He has the friendliest mustache any citizen could ask for.  I trusted that mustache, and I knew other Oregonians would trust in it too. Plus, his opponent Chris Dudley has a giant chin that automatically gives away his tendencies to be a tool.  I for one don't want the governor of my state to be a tool.

When my flawless voting techniques fail me, however (which they surprisingly do sometimes), I go to my older sister for the answers.  She was a political science major in college.  'Nuff said.

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